Friday, December 16, 2016

A Response to the Volume Pledge

Dr. Pronovost is a leading figure in the patient safety movement, and is someone I greatly admire.  His work with surgical checklists is touted by Dr. Atul Gawande as having saved more lives than any researcher in the past decade.  However, I disagree with his latest initiative- to get hospitals who perform certain procedures at very low rates to stop performing them altogether.

On the surface, it seems like a perfect idea- hospitals that perform few surgeries of a certain type usually have worse outcomes and higher patient mortality than hospitals that perform many of them, a fact that has been known for decades.  However, the issue is more complex than it first appears.

Friday, December 2, 2016

How Much is a Human Life Worth: A Question we Need to Answer

With the election of Donald Trump, there has been much speculation about his plans for the ACA- speculation that rose again after the announcement that Dr. Tom Price, MD, is to be appointed as his Secretary of Health and Human Services.  But the reality is that any health plan in the United States- Trumpcare, Pricecare, Obamacare, Hillarycare, and someday perhaps Warrencare or Bidencare will not work because of our collective failure as a society to answer a question that every foreign health system has answered in some way: